What is the best move for your business?
How Many Products Should You Launch With?
Many clients we engage boldly declare: “We want to launch with 20, 40, or 50 products… The question we ask in return: “Is this really a good idea?”
What about your distributors? How many product and campaign decisions can they handle up front?
Your focus up front should be on building a good base of customers and a good base of distributors. This you can best achieve by launching one, maybe two products and adding more products as you go.
Launching your company with 40 different products, or thereabouts has everything in common with the adage of trying to be all things to all people. Your focus and efforts in establishing a successful business venture will be diluted and compromised by trying to satisfy the expectations of everyone, regardless how diverse and conflicting those expectations might be. It is not a good business strategy.
Everything can be sold in network marketing business, this is true. However, each new product needs a separate sales campaign strategy. Who are you selling to? What needs and desires will you target? What campaign strategy do you attach to each product?
Start with one or two products and build your base from there. When you satisfy customer needs and expectations in a particular market niche, they will ask for more products.
If still in doubt, consider the how the most successful multi-level marketing companies got started. They all started with one single product and built their business from there.
- Amway launched their business with Orange Soap.
- Herbalife started with ingestible Aloe Vera juice.
- Organo Gold launched with coffee and nothing else.
Do the same and stay focused on building a successful business and distributor base before you introduce multiple products. Note the entrepreneurial concept of “growth hacking”. As a startup, focus on one or two key performance indicators and build from there.
If you got some value from this, share it with others and contact us for a free consultation on how to best launch your MLM business.
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